I can hardly believe it's almost the weekend again! It's been a busy week as usual. Last night in church (youth group) it was dress up night for our version of halloween- but not really halloween. I am really not into halloween at all, fall yes, halloween no. But in the spirit of the occasion, and also because Jonah really wanted to get dressed up we decided to make our own costumes. We decided to go as crayons! I thought it would be a simple costume- one color add a hat and your done. Well we spent most of the night on Tuesday shopping at a thrift store- to which we had no luck- and ended up at Walmart. Did you know you can find every color in the crayon box (not the big daddy box with like 96 colors) in sweatsuits at Walmart? It was really enlightening, especially considering the fact that we don't wear sweats....we don't even own sweats. But there we were surrounded by every color and hopeful that we could be crayons after all. We wore our one color sweatsuits and bought black felt. Jonah diligently cut out the crayon part that we wore on our stomach, and the other curvy pieces. All these felt pieces were pinned because we didn't want to ruin our beautiful sweatsuits (I swear we will wear them again!) We also found these buckets that look just like a sharp crayon and wore those on our heads. Jonah actually painted his to match the color to his suit. Yes, we are grateful we are artists because who else would color match a bucket to their sweatsuit?
So the finished product turned out great, and everyone got a smile at our expense, so it was worth the work. But next year....I think we're gonna go in with friends and be the whole eight pack box.