Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house,
I could smell goodness baking that could rouse a mouse.
The air outside was a balmy degree,
No snow to crawl into-no not up to my knee.
Sounds of a movie of holiday fun,
Are playing and singing for everyone.
The tree is lit, and fragrantly smells,
The presents are wrapped in paper with bells.
Family is close to hold and to love,
and I'm thankful this day for my Lord above.
His love is the reason we celebrate today,
And I'm thankful for Him and for every day.
So much to be thankful for,
My list could go on,
But I'll lift up my voice,
For all that He's done.

I am so thankful for Him today. It's such a special fun time of year to celebrate, give gifts, share recipes, and enjoy time with family, but I haven't lost sight of what the reason is- Christ.
Our beloved Saviour is truly the reason we celebrate and I am so thankful for His gift, His sweet precious Son so many years ago. How I celebrate His birth, His life, His death and Resurrection.
He lives and that is enough gift for me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

getting better eating solid foods

Funny headline for me today. Here I am a few days later. I ended up having oral surgery on Monday which actually worked out as a blessing. Jonah has a student whose dad is an oral surgeon so we called him Sunday night and he said to come in Monday morning first thing. He went out of his way to help me and for that I feel blessed, because I could have wasted my time at my normal dentist (which whom I will never be going to again- time for a new dentist). I really feel like the Lord protected me and directed us as we didn't know who to go to. My problem turned out to be more serious than I thought- but by Monday morning I didn't care what it took as long as someone took care of my pain. It's amazing what you can be capable of and NOT scared of when you are suffering so much pain. I had to have surgery- including laughing gas and a valium and an IV. All of those thing would normally terrify my but I was so ready to jump in the chair. It made me think ahead to when we do have children. I was thinking of the pain of that and realized I would be able (with God's help) to handle it. I know it's so far from giving birth, but suffering pain and overcoming fear is such a blessing. The people at the office were also wonderful and so kind. I love feeling known at a doctors office. My husband too went above and beyond every way he could. I was so out of it on Monday all day and he was there to help me and help me eat and just comforting and loving me. He came home one day this week with a surprise for me too. I just am so thankful for such a loving caring husband that God has given me!! I am on the upward curve now to healing- I can start eating solid foods today which is great for healing. Today I actually feel a little more like myself and I am thankful for that- even though I can't really smile fully yet, just halfway. Halfway is good too :-^
I'm thankful today for God looking out for me in the midst of all of this.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

swelling up

It's been a rough couple of days. I was having really sharp, painful, and pressure headaches on one side of my face and it slowly made it's way down to my jaw yesterday. I went to the allergy doctor because I thought it was sinus allergy related and he though it was TMJ. Yesterday I woke up with swelling in one area of my jaw near one of my teeth. I am lead to believe it could be an I called my dentist and she put me on an antibiotic and pain reliever to hold me until monday morning. But today I noticed a rash and realized I am probably allergic to the medicine, so after calling again she said to stop taking the medicine and take some benadryl. I just swalled a couple tablets so I am hoping the swelling will go down a bit, this is so not fun. I hate it that doctors and dentists aren't open over the weekends. Isn't that when things happen? Evenings and weekends. I am just praying for healing through this and that the swelling stops until I can get in to see my dentist. Please pray for healing for me as well, if you think of it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

christmas decor

Here are some pictures of our tree (real of course :), and I have to explain the star... last year we bought a tree with this really tall top (like 14") and normal people trim that down to put the star on top. We stuck our star on top before trimming it down and it made us laugh so hard. It looked so goofy sticking out up there a foot away from the tree, we ended up leaving it there all season. 
This year we again bought a tree with a very tall top, and for laughs we put our star on top of it, and I think I can say it's a tradition now to find the tallest top on a tree, just to make us laugh every time we look at the star. Even now as I look at the tree again it makes me laugh! Oh the little things....sure doesn't take much to make me laugh :)
We also decorate with ornaments that we have collected from places we have visited, as well as annual ornaments with the year on them. We both have some from family as well, married and from childhood. We love putting them all on giving us that finished homespun look and feel you just can't find on a themed tree. 

busy busy

I know I am not being very faithful in updating this lately. We have been so busy this month. Starting right after Thanksgiving when we stayed up all night long going midnight shopping at the outlets- yes we were those crazy people. It was a new experience that's for sure and I learned that after staying up and fighting sleep you don't even feel sleepy anymore. It's funny how you can trick your body (or confuse it!). Overall we did get some much needed shopping done and we had fun together. I don't know if I will do it again next year though...
And this month has been full of activity. For some reason thanksgiving was later this year which made the break between Christmas not very long. So I have been Christmas shopping when I can including online orders which are great when you both work full time and can't find much time to go to stores. But I think we are almost done with our shopping (yeah!!) It was fun this year, we drew names which made it easier on both sides of the family.
Sunday night we were able to go see a Christmas concert. It was pretty and a new experience for both of us since we haven't gone to 'concerts'. But last night we had our annual staff party at work. It's so nice to both work at the same place and be able to attend things together!
We have what two more weekends until Christmas? Wow, there is so much to do at work still until break. But I am enjoying our Christmas holiday season so much. Tonight we are planning on taking pics of our Christmas tree which has been up since the day after Thanksgiving! It's so pretty as usual.
Well til tonight have a great day.

Monday, December 1, 2008

December days

December already! I hope everyone had a special Thanksgiving break. We did! After sharing a meal with friends, we went home for a nap and later went midnight shopping! Craziness at the outlets. We were shocked at how many people got up in the middle of the night to shop for deals. But overall it was a great weekend that passed all too quickly. We also picked up our tree Friday night, mmmm a really fragrant real one. We pick out a real one every year. I don't think we have ever gone quite this early, but we are both feeling so much more festive this year. Maybe because it's been really cold here in Ga. Last year it was so warm and tropical, and really hard to feel 'Christmasy'.
But I can't believe we are in December now! I am thinking ahead to how quickly and busy these next few weeks are. I can't help but go down the list of things to do.....I don't want to miss out on making memories, starting traditions, doing things for others, Christmas shopping, cards....on and on. How I love this time of year! I almost wish I had another 3 days off just to catch up from our Thanksgiving break. Our tree is sitting amidst boxes of christmas decor right now, tonight should be the night to put the lights on!!! Yeah!
I just want to slow down and really enjoy each special thing about this time of year. I am really praying that I keep my heart and focus on the very special reason for Christmas. Our beloved Lord sending His precious Son. What a tremendous gift! I am thinking what exactly can I give Him this year?