Saturday, May 28, 2011

no life doesn't slow down

It's been a while since I've updated this. My how life is fast and full.
May is almost over! We celebrated our 6 year anniversary this month. How special it is to share year number six with this wonderful man by my side. He is an amazing friend, leader, daddy to our son,and love of my life. Sharing this year with our son in our lives was even more special. I am blessed to know Jonah, and to have the honor of being by his side. I learn so much from being with him. I learn how to love deeper, care more, listen more, show more compassion, hold my tongue more, be a better friend, have a deeper faith, and on it goes. He's my knight in shining armor and say that without any cheesiness intended. Truly, my romantic, loving, manly man fills me up to overflowing, and I am so thankful for him.
Now here we are at the end of May, looking closely at June.
I knew May would be crazy, but I also knew June would run right into it without much chance of life slowing down. I can see that is happening now. Here we are on the verge of welcoming June, and I can hardly believe it.
What does this mean?
It means we head of to the DR for a mission trip. It means Oliver stays behind with our in-laws for 9 days. It means Oliver turns ONE! It means I turn 30! It means work ends, summer begins. It means Oliver is weaned.
Is that enough to keep one busy?
Wow, I thought my mind would be spinning at this point, but I'm doing okay.
Next weekend we will drive to my in-laws, settle our son in with them and drive to the airport to fly out for 9 days. I can hardly believe that it's here almost upon us.
Surprisingly I'm doing okay.
I know it will be tough driving away, flying away, and sleeping away from our son, but I know that I have been preparing for this too. God has been graciously stepping in, lovingly filling me with His presence, His Spirit and calming my spirit in the process. I have been praying for this trip, for the people we will minister to, for the people that will be going on the trip, for safety, for sweet Oliver who will be back here in the states.
And I'm still getting ready.
I have been praying for this trip, for myself especially. I know my heart will miss our son, but I am also ready to see what God has for me. What He has to teach me, how He can use me. I'm also excited about the time with my husband. It will be just us (plus 28 other people). Just us, without Oliver there. And while we'll miss him, it will also be a growing experience for us to go and do this together.
I'm so thankful that we are able to do this. For the way the details of this trip have been orchestrated. Truly God keeps taking care of everything, right down to weaning Oliver. Our passports are in hand, another answer to prayer as we weren't sure they would arrive in time. And we are ready.
Oh our bags have yet to be packed, and the house is yet to be locked up, but when we get to that point it will be time. In my mind, in my heart it will be time.
I have felt that God has been preparing me step by step for this trip. And with each step comes peace. Peace that another item is checked off. Peace that the days are creeping closer. It's been amazing and I didn't expect it. I am learning what it's like to live your life in faith, to live your life trusting in God to meet you and lead you when you come to the end of yourself, the end of what you feel your limits are. He lifts you up and takes you even farther out over the edge of the mountain than you thought you could go. It's truly an elated feeling knowing that He is providing and guiding you.
There is no place else I would rather be.
And so we count down now. To June.
It will begin this week. Let it roll in!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

easter and such

We had a lovely Easter together. It's hard to believe that it was a couple weeks ago! Now here we are in May and my how it's flying by.
Our little Oliver is now 11 months and his big one year birthday is creeping closer and closer. He's learned soo much in these past couple months, it's been amazing. He crawls (army mostly, although he forgets he's on his knees sometimes), pulls up, crawled up a step and kept going with daddy behind him, eats more of what we eat (chunkier food), stands up in his crib, claps, mimics our faces and noises, says mama and dada clearly to us, waves of course, signs 'all done', and is working on tooth #4.
Goodness I never knew he would change so much SO quickly. Those rolly polly thighs, arms and cheeks are starting to thin out, sadly enough. I knew he wouldn't be a chunka monka forever. And I know that's a good thing!
We are counting down the days now until we leave for our DR mission trip. Well, maybe not counting down, just being very aware that it will be here before we know it. I'm still nervous about leaving our little boy behind for 9 days, but God has been working in my heart to prepare me and I know that once we are there, it will be peaceful and confirming. I'm looking forward to what God has for us there, how He will use us and those He will bring our way. I am also looking forward to the time 'alone' with Jonah. We have never been overnight somewhere without the little chunk, so it will be a growing experience all around. And serving God together is such a blessing. I am so thankful for a husband that leads on with a passion for Christ.
Our Easter was so nice, and we didn't get Oliver a basket- oh horrors, right? Not that I'm against it, all the candy and such, whatever. No I'm not an advocate of the Easter bunny persay, and we won't be teaching Oliver that he exists. I never once believed in him growing up, I only knew of Jesus and the tomb and how He rose again. I did get a chocolate bunny and a basket with treats though, and it was fun. So maybe when he's older, we'll see. We did go to a sunrise service together which was beautiful. I loved being outdoors to see that beautiful morning light and to picture what it must have been like all those years ago when the Mary's walked to the tomb. I think it will be a nice tradition to go to a sunrise service every year. I would even like to try the ones that are even earlier- we had ours at 7:30.
Here are a few shots of our sweet boy, getting all grown up, and a few random ones too.