Monday, August 22, 2011


I knew it was coming.
Oliver has been becoming braver and braver with his steps.
Yesterday he was 'taking off' on multiple occasions, from our ottoman to a toy, from a toy to a chair, from Jonah to our ottoman....and on it goes. He was so funny to watch! Even though he missed his regular naps (church) he was so wound up from his newfound freedom. Our sweet boy is getting so big.
Soon those rolly thighs will be gone, and replaced with leaner boyish legs. Sigh. All too fast are these baby days!!


kauffeegrl said...

Isn't it so amazing to watch the transition? One day you are watching them just lie there, thinking you can't imagine this little body being able to support itself upright, and the you blink and they are up and off, walking around like little tiny adults! So bittersweet, but the wonderful adventures you can enjoy together now are multiplied. Time for those baby gates and drawer locks! :-)

Dawn said...

Aww....he's so cute. And Laura said it so perfectly, it truly goes by so quickly. And now he'll realize just how big the world is and want to explore. I love the pictures, his expressions are adorable and Jonah's face paints the picture of a daddy watching his baby boy trying something new...concern and excitement. Many more years of those expressions and emotions.