Sunday, April 29, 2012

a mom

We had a relaxing afternoon with some friends of ours. New found friends somewhat, as we have been planning to get together for some time, but were finally able to connect. My hiatus from the world for 4+ months (morning sickness) had a small something to do with that I suppose. But it was a great time together and I am looking forward to getting to know them in the days ahead!
I was able to share one of my favorite stories with them- our journey of faith over this past year. I blogged about this whole process here and I'm so glad I did as it will always give me a place to go back to and read over- even though it's all still pretty fresh in my mind.
Sorting through some recent photos I took of Oliver has brought my mind and heart back to the past year. It's almost been a whole year since I've switched roles from the work world to being a stay at home mom.
All I can say is God is so good. So good to answer, to lead, to provide along the way. Did I doubt?
There are moments of wonder, like how will we continue to meet our needs each month? But they are slowly being shifted to- I know God will provide, can't wait to see how. It's been a wonderful year.
I have been able to be there for Oliver in ways I dreamed, watching him grow and learn daily. Now as we await baby boy #2's birth I am amazed at how God loves us. That fear that often holds us back from stepping out in faith is very much a blindfold to the amazing gifts God wants to give us.
I know looking back it was scary, fearful, unsettling those days and weeks leading up to our decision for me to be at home, to leave an income providing job.
Not that I'm saying every mom should drop her job and be at home right now.
I know that for me it was a desire in my heart that grew, and one I shared with Jonah (notice I didn't say nagged, whined and begged with Jonah) as a possibility. And facing a deadline to make this decision allowed us to both focus on much prayer & fasting (Jonah) over it.
And God answered, He spoke to us and we heard it and together we made the decision.
I was telling my friend how important it was that we both came to that decision. Unity in it or not at all.
And how important that is- because it hasn't been easy this past year. We had to give up outings and extras to make sure we had what we needed each month. I could get upset about not having money for eating out, or salon haircuts, or whatever little thing I suppose I could dwell on. But I'm thankful. I'm thankful for a husband that supports me and loves me and prays with me and for me each day as we look to God for our needs. Ah, yes, that peace that God provides along with His leading is what gives us the joy we need. Things are not important, they are nice, and many are necessary- but He is providing those necessary things. The rest is just a blessing. Lots of blessings poured over us. And I don't think I would have otherwise seen the blessings. If that makes sense...
Here are some shots though of our little Oliver waking up one morning. I wouldn't miss this for all the paychecks in the world. Oh sweet goodness for the heart!

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