Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Love abundantly

Here we are at one week old already. I have to say as the days tick by days and nights are blended together as we adjust to Oliver's feedings, burpings, diaper changes and loving. I had no idea how it would be to have our own baby, our own flesh and blood. And while I carried him for nine months, nothing prepared me for the kind of overwhelming love I would feel for this tiny person. How much love can a person give? I love my family and my dear wonderful husband, I love my God, but this is another kind. I can kind of see a small glimpse of God's love for us and it makes me cry. Joyful tears, grateful tears. I am in awe of this little gift from God and I have to pinch myself and ask if he's real.
It was an adjustment. That first day was surreal, one moment he was in me the next his cries filled the room and I met him, and he met me and Jonah. Hello son, welcome to this big world, what now?
My heart has expanded in one week to change me for a lifetime. I always heard how much a baby changes everything, but didn't expect it to change my heart so much, for so much good. We are humbled to be his parents and raise him up to follow God with a passion and love. To know God and how much he loves us. An overwhelming, never ending, deep as the ocean kind of love.
I don't want to forget these first days, and how precious they are. A time of discovery and growth for all of us. Keep our hearts tender like they are now.
Sweet Oliver, how much you are loved.

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