Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a New Year!

Happy New Year!
As I write it is not quite yet the new year....the grand year of 2011. Wow! I can't believe this year is coming to an end already. I can look back and see sooo many blessings poured out from God and I'm so grateful. The biggest one is our son. Our sweet boy. Life has taken on a new sweetness to it from having a baby in our home.  We have so much and are truly rich in spirit.
I have never really liked to make new years resolutions. Well...except for that one year when I was around 12 or 13 and me and my best friend at the time decided to get ambitious and make as long a list as we possibly could. I think mine was like 12 after page of who knows what? Some things I did as a kid were so pointless, really I don't even know why I did what I did!
But other than that, I've never been good at sticking to what's on my list, so I didn't make resolutions.
This new year I've decided not to make a list of resolutions, but of words.
I have chosen to use simple words for those things that are most important to me this year, and use them as a reminder of what I want to focus on:
Spiritual walk

It's sure to be an exciting year for us. Looking back at last years big moment- giving birth to our son, moving into a house, changing my work hours. These were all things we spent many hours praying over and anticipating and now the year is past. We are looking ahead to this year and don't have such big items ahead of us, but know we are excited about what God will do, how He will lead.
The focus this year will be on new endeavors, one being the pursuit of me being home with Oliver. One way to help with this will be the startup of our business. But I'll have to post on that another day.
For now, Happy New Year! Happy 2011!

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