Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day after, it's over!

Surgery went really well yesterday. The only pain I felt was from the IV needle. After that all I remember is them telling me to sleep well and when I woke up it would be over. Which is exactly what happened. It's amazing how quickly the anesthetic knocked me out....that with laughing gas and a valium! I truly felt the prayers of fellow Christians surrounding me. I had asked several people to pray for me, including fellow bloggers. Thanks to those that did. Ever since I knew I needed this surgery ( 9 months ago or so ) I dreaded it. So here I am the day after and I'm amazed at how well I feel. Granted I am on some drugs right now....I still feel a lot better than I anticipated. I guess the mind plays tricks on you sometimes, always going to the worst case scenario. So I am home now relaxing away the Saturday afternoon, and thankful I was able to get this done over a weekend, so we will be ready to head back to work Monday.
Jonah, my dear sweet husband has been so helpful and considerate. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been able to eat or get home yesterday. The medicine knocked me out so strongly. I had to eat before taking pain medicine, so he prepared food for me and helped me eat...Such a loving and gentle husband. He takes care of me like a prince!
I love him and thank God for such a wonderful man to be by my side.
Thanks Blogger friends for your prayers and thank you Lord for your presence.

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