Saturday, April 10, 2010

How I feel at 32 weeks

About 32 weeks now....
Braxton hicks are kicking in more and more, I started having them weeks ago. Today is just more than usual so I took it easy tonight, took a bath, and enjoyed the massage from Jonah :)
Trying not to panic about the things we don't have yet, as labor seems to be ever closer.
He has found more places to lodge his body, including my ribs, or right under them. That's the strangest place to feel him moving around in.
My bladder is increasingly getting smaller, and I thought I was doing so well up until now!
My sleep at night is getting to be less and less, getting up for the bathroom, tossing and turning, hip pain from my body pillow (hence tossing and turning).
Energy levels are a little less now, at least I can't go quite as long during the day walking around, so glad we went to NY when I had more energy!
Appetite doesn't really seem to increase, but I do snack often and drink lots of water.
My weight is pretty level as far as gaining, I think I am gaining a pound a week.

I think some funny things about pregnancy are the memory loss- at first it was freaking me out at my forgetfulness, now it's making me laugh. How could I forget where I set my glass of water down a minute ago? Another thing is the crookedly tied sneakers I don when I workout, the laces are tied inwards towards my ankles- I haven't asked Jonah to tie them yet, but that may be soon!

Oh the joys of pregnancy, there are certainly ups and downs, but overall it's so different for each woman. I'm learning that more and more, regardless of what I've heard or read everything that happens in your own pregnancy is just for you, and sometimes uniquely for you.
We have a shower this upcoming weekend and we're excited to see family again! I'll have to post how it goes. It's amazing how quickly time is going by now, counting down in my planner, I think we are around 55 days or so, yikes, but yeah!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

It's amazing how fast it goes isn't it? I have 37 days to go and it seems like only 2 weeks. I love your glider btw, that's exactly on my wish list too.

I was noticing your book list and recommend the To Train up a Child, you have to take some of it by a grain of salt but overall it is a good book. I am seeing the results of NOT doing what they suggest and am kicking myself now that Chase is going on two. He's a wonderful, sweet little boy but listening is another story. we continue to work on it, part of being two and independent. One thing I've learned is you'll never have enough time, time to clean, sleep, play etc. but time to "train up your child" is so important.

And yes your fears are so real. I remember fearing how a baby will change our relationship as husband and wife/best friends but once he arrives and you hold him in your arms, your relationship goes to another level. Brad and I were married 8 years before Chase so we had a "life" but now we can't even remember our life without him in it.

Even with #2 I have fears, how am I going to do it with two just under two? Will I compare the two boys? I feel like I am cheating on Chase. I so don't want to go through labor again. But it's all so natural and a worth everything in the end.

Sorry for the "book" but I so remember your feelings right before I had Chase. Such an exciting and fearful time.

Love your bedding set btw. Looks like something you illustrated.