Monday, September 2, 2013

Preschool Week 2, day 5

We did it! We made it through another full week! Woohoo!
It seems to have gone by so fast. Even though there were some off days, we successfully got through two full weeks. Oliver did so good throughout them and I am proud of how well he's taken to it. It's definitely a learning process for both of us. Being consistent, being prepared, keeping it fun, and watching him learn is fulfilling. I realized that his prep for preschool started a long time ago whenever I took an opportunity to teach him something. Really that is in our daily life. Having him help me with activities here at home and giving him responsibility for tasks were stepping stones to where we are now. He is learning how to figure things out on his own (problem solve) and it comes into play when he gets frustrated with a new skill like threading wooden shapes.
Homeschool to me is amazing because you are always teaching as a mom, and starting a focused school time is just opportunity to hone in on certain areas that Oliver doesn't know yet, or is not very strong on. I love being able to show him new things, and to also show him how fun it is to learn. Knowledge is a gift that will not leave you. Once he's got it, that's it!
Okay, so for our last day of the week we went through our routine things (prayer, Bible verse, song, weather, calendar) then reviewed our days of creation. I found a video on You tube that goes through all 6 days of creation set to classical music. We watched that together and Oliver really enjoyed it. The video is here (also know that the graphics of Adam and Eve are naked, just so you know what's coming).
We talked about day 7, and what it means to rest. For our creation craft, I couldn't find anything other than using the letter "Z" for sleeping online. Not very original. I decided to associate rest with sleep, and drew a bed for day 7. Oliver used paint dots for some fun coloring and then he glued down two giant marshmallows for pillows.

I then had the idea that we would make a pillow together. I cut out a small rectangle of fabric and hot glued one end and the sides together to make a pocket. I let Oliver stuff it with cotton batting, then I hot glued it closed. The stuffing it part was a little tough for Oliver to do. I took over it and handed the pillow back when it was dried. We then searched for different animal friends ( and small lego people) that would "rest" on the pillow. 

I was wanting to make homemade pretzels with Oliver at one point this week so I decided that this afternoon would be a good opportunity. While the younger one napped we went to work in the kitchen making whole wheat home made pretzels! And did you know there is a point in the baking where you let your dough sit and "rest"? Ha! Another way to include our review of what God did on day 7. The recipe we used for our pretzels is here. Overall it was tasty. They are definitely best eaten hot out of the oven. A few days later, they aren't really too great as the freshness is gone. Also, Oliver did so well with helping make these. He rolled them and did so good at watching me fold them into pretzels he even did a few on his own. I am amazed at how much he retains at only 3. By slowing down the process and explaining each step along the way, and showing him how to do them, he picked it up fairly quickly. Good job Oliver! And it was yummy snack. Right before dinner (oh well). 

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