Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So I finally announced my secret- I am 17 weeks pregnant! Jonah and I are thrilled and looking forward to meeting the little one.
On another note I am afraid I will have to make my blog more private. I received some spam a couple different times from some people out in the blog world, which I do not appreciate nor would I like anyone else sneaking in with there perversions to my little world, which includes photos I'm not comfortable having perverts see.
So my blog friends if you would like to continue reading my blog please send your email to me or post it on this latest post. I will add you to my blog list, which is a much more 'blocked' way of getting the spammers out.
I look forward to finally posting more details about this special time in our lives. I have kept it hidden, so we could surprise our families over Christmas with a special gift.
Looking forward to the future!


Dawn said...

So even your family didn't know...oh you naughty girl. All our family hated it when we found out that Chase was a boy and I made them wait 10 days until Christmas to tell them. This time we found on the 23rd and I just told them. But the name we are keeping a secret. :)

Unknown said...

I would like to continue following your blog. please include me in.

Katie said...

I would also like to be included in viewing your blog! Congratulations again on your wonderful news!