Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reading today

I get these updates in one of my email accounts from crosswalk marriage, and I don't always read them but this morning I stopped to read one for a few minutes. It was talking about intimacy with your husband. This is something dear to my heart as I am always looking for ways to be closer to him in mind, body and spirit. I particularly liked the phrase below that was in the email:
God rewards the married couple with the gift of being able to participate in His act of creation. This is expressed in the gift of children, but also in the creative spirit that flourishes between the man and the woman. When a husband and a wife put their hearts, minds, spirits, and bodies together with no limits, the result brings a spiritual abundance that—used properly—makes the world a far richer place

What an incredible thought-not just being able to unite as husband and wife, but going beyond that and uniting in body, heart, mind and spirit. I think of the individual talents, strengths and character traits that make up Jonah and that make up me. How amazing that marriage is also a uniting of these, and when we put all of those things together in unity how much greater and stronger we are together. I know this is probably something that every other Christian has thought of, but sometimes I just look at things with a new light and an 'ah-ha' moment.

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