Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day, 36 weeks

was a lovely spring Mother's Day. And we had such a nice day together. This year's Mothers Day was even more special to me, because it made me appreciate my own mom all the more. Being pregnant has brought a new perspective on what it takes to carry a child, and the physical sacrifice that is. It's also a blessing, but it sure isn't easy. I love my mom for all she went through to have me, and the choice my parents made to have me! Thank you to them both for choosing life. I can't fathom how people can support abortion/murder, because that's what it is. I've been thinking about our son all the more today and my thoughts are about how much we love him and are thankful for him, even as small and curled up as he is right now, he sure does make his presence known.
For our mothers day together we went to church together and we also went out to Longhorn for dinner. Yum! We even ordered a dessert to take home. When we got home I peeked in the box and to my surprise there was this ginormous dessert! I think they may have given us double? But we didn't pay for extra, so my what a nice yummy surprise. It looks like two slices instead of one, and it's so big! We'll be sharing it with the vanilla bean icecream later tonight :)
I guess I should post a picture of the dessert, which I tasted and is delicious.  And I also wanted to load a recent pic too of me at 36 weeks now. Our son sure has grown a lot in the last month, and I feel like there is no more room left! We are so excited to meet him though, soon! I hope everyone had a special day today- all you mom's and mom's to be :)

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